Lit Lingo

Audiobooks are booming like never before. According to Deloitte, the U.S. audiobook market in 2020 was valued at an estimated $1.5 billion. Yes, that’s billion with a “b.” When 2020’s pandemic shuttered libraries and bookstores, and delayed postal deliveries, stuck-at-home readers browsed digital shelves instead, and audiobook sales kept growing....

As an author (or an aspiring author), you’ve probably felt the pressure to be “more disciplined” in your writing life at some point. Maybe someone told you you should get up every morning and write for two hours before work. Maybe you heard that you should carry a small notebook at all times, and scribble inspiration daily. Or maybe you’ve simply heard other writers wax poetic about their incredibly regular and productive writing schedules, and thought “I should be more like that.” ...

Remember when the Twilight series became popular, and suddenly the world couldn’t get enough of vampires? Or what about when The Hunger Games took pop culture by storm, and shelves began overflowing with dystopian novels? Remember when zombies were everywhere--in hypothetical apocalyptic accounts, in retellings of myths, and in Jane Austen? There’s no denying that certain trends dominate the publishing world every few years--and, by extension, pop culture as well....

Not sure if you’re ready for an editor? Get a manuscript assessment. You’ve completed your manuscript, and the hard work of writing your book is behind you. Now it’s time to take the “next step” and find an editor—right? While it’s true that your book—no matter how beautifully-written—does need an editor (trust me on this one), choosing the right editor can be tricky. ...

Last year, we saw an influx of striking and nostalgic book cover design trends, including bold title font, layered silhouettes, and near-omnipresent mustard yellow or teal book covers. In 2021, we’ll see a continuation of some of last year’s trends, as well as some fresh design ideas that can put your book front and center with this year’s bestsellers, and make it look like the memorable work of art that it is....

Depending on a book’s genre and content, it may include a variety of content types. Let’s learn about the most common parts of a book and how to use them in your publishing journey. Books can have some or most of these different parts; some are required while others are optional. They must appear in the correct order and formatted to standard....

They say it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, and this is certainly true in the book publishing world. For many authors (debut authors especially), networking can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Authors can spend a lot of time worrying about whether they're working with the right editor, the best publicist, or the ideal publisher for them and their book specifically. Our advice? Never underestimate the power of a great referral....